
Sunday, September 3, 2023

Falling Leaves - FTU - Animated

 Scrapkit - DBS - Sunny Days - HERE

Mask - your choice

Template - EFR Exclusive by Natalie - HERE

Animation - Leaves from SBOF - HERE

Tube - PUT - HERE


This tutorial is of my own creation. I am using PSP2019. Please leave a thanks when downloading.  If I am using a template, I always start at the bottom and work my way up. If using a FTU or PTU tube - please don't use without proper copyright. Always drop shadow as you go. If you try one of my tuts, I would love to display it on my blog....thanks


Open template and delete copyright layer

Image/canvas size/800x800

(If animating - flood fill with white)


P15 - apply mask/merge group

Raster8 - p5


E101 - mirror

E105 - resize 95%


E23 - erase stem and position

Merge9 & copy9 together - p1

Apply glass effect of choice

Merge 10&copy together 

Selections/all/float/modify/expand by 3/new raster layer/flood fill with color of choice/select none/move under original and add same glass effect

Raster6 - flood fill with same color and add noise of choice

Raster2 - p13

Raster4 - 15

E53 - resize 35%

E59 - resize 50%

Raster5 - flood fill same and glass same

Raster3 - p4

E92 - resize 35%

Move the word arts into position and add a small gradient glow


E83 - resize 30%

Image/free rotate/left by 20

E92 - resize 50%

E97 - resize 50%

Position tube

(If animating, merge all but tube)

Merge visible/crop/resize as needed/add proper copyright


PSP - copy image

AS - paste as new animation

Open leaves mng

Edit/select all

Image - ctrl+L 33 times for a total of 34 frame

ctrl+A (this selects all)

Click the animation tab at top - select resize animation

Grab first frame of animation and drag to first frame of image and position

Back in PSP - grab your tube

Paste as new animation

Image - ctrl+L 33 times for a total of 34 frame

ctrl+A (this selects all)

Grab frame1 of tube and drag to frame 1 of image and position/release


(You can also do the same step with names)

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