- Open new image 600x250
Position close up of tube in center
(I did mine so that only the outfit was visible and cropped)
Plug in - Mura Meister/copies/wallpaper rotate/top#15
Adust/blur/motion at angle 25, strength is 100
repeat 2 more times
Place your close up again and place in middle
Plug in - Xero/radiance/default
Layer palette/properties/multiply
Click on your bottom layer
Effects - reflection - kaleidoscope with following settings:
Position tube again/image/mirror
(I made my main tube a little smaller and placed her back to back,,,,you place as you see fit)
Plug in - Xero/porcelain/all sliders to left
Adjust/sharpen more
Merge all
New raster layer and flood fill a color from tube
Selections/select all/modify/contract by 7/delete/select none
Add proper copyright and you are done
Very nice, thank you!!