Scrapkit - An Easter Shell by DBS - HERE
Template - Millie's - HERE
Tube - Alexandra Vanhek - PFD - HERE
Open template and delete copyright and word art
Remember to DS as you go
I always start at bottom and work my way up
Image/canvas size 800x800
1 - p12
2 - 14
3 - p20
5 - p18
6 - p13
7 & 9 - p2
8 - p1
E111 - resize 80%
13 - p19
I put a small border around 13
Select all/float/modify/expand by 4/new raster layer/flood fill white
E23 - resize 35%
E35 - duplicate/image/mirror
E98 - resize 60%
Place tube
E95 - I took some of the eggs and flowers and placed them in the basket and used my freehand selection tool, draw around rim of basket/invert and erase
Merge visible - resize 45%
E88 - resize 30%
E76 - resize 20%
Merge visible/crop/resize/add proper copyright
I love it Pammers Thank you so very much for playing with my kit