
Friday, January 22, 2021

XOX _ Exclusive to EFR


Scrapkit - XOX by Persia - HERE

Template - by Me - HERE (use the 2nd template)

Mask - MizMask122 - HERE (use the 2nd one down)

Tube  -  Vi Nina - HERE

Plu-ins - Xero


I always start at bottom and work up....remember to DS as you go

Open template and delete copyright layer

Image/canvas size/800x800

Bottom layer - p17/apply mask/merge group

Grab your magic wand and click inside each of the geometric shape

Selections/modify/expand by 2

Click mask layer and promote selection to layer/select none

Adjust/blur/gaussian at 4

Click geometric layer and add glass or inner bevel of your choice

Merge layers 1,2,3 together - p21 - I positioned so the words were showing

Heart - p10 - keep selected and add close up of tube - delete/select none

Xero - radiance at default or what ever looks best

Drag the paper and tube below heart layer

Heart layer  - apply same effect as you did for geometric shape


Image/canvas size/800x800

Glitter2 - resize 90%

Merge the heart layers together and move a little to the left

Position your tube

E8 - resize 90%

Rose 7&10 - resize 15%

XOX1 - resize 45%

Place to your liking

Kiss1 - resize 15%

Stamp2 - resize 45%

Lips1 - resize 10%

Crop/resize as needed/add proper copyright

Would love to see what you create...thanks

Penny made  this gorgeous tag


  1. Thank you so much for my tag and I am so happy you liked my kit hon xxxx
