
Friday, August 14, 2020

Forum Tag - easy

Tube - Elias Chatzoudis - you can get his tubes - HERE  (I got mine when he was with PTE)
Effects - Mura Meister and Greg's Factory Output

Open new image - 600x250
Paste close up 
Mura meister - copies/wallpaper
Gregs factory output - Splash with: 136,51,99
Grab your selection tool/rectangle and draw out a rectangle/promote selection to layer
Change layer properties to screen
Selections/float/modify/expand by 5/new raster/flood fill with a dark color/select none and move this down a layer
Paste your main tube and position on right
Add word art of choice
If you want to add a few elements
New raster layer/flood fill with dark color
Selections/all/modify/contract by 5/delete/select none
Add proper copyright

My friend Kittie made this beauty

